Friendly SMPenny’s speaking topics are always adjusted to meet your expectations and minister to your specific audience. All topics can be presented
as one session from 30-90 minutes in length (whatever your requirement); some topics can be lengthened to more than one session or a weekend of sessions. Please let Penny know your needs so she can be accommodating.

No Longer “Less-Than”
Overcoming the Effects of Porn  Did your man ever choose porn over you and you took it personally? Do you compare yourself with beautiful women, real or in advertisements? Do you label yourself as “less than” or ugly? You need to know your real value. Learn how you can embrace your own beauty and worth regardless of your man’s choices. Find freedom from obsessing over your man’s issues. Step into real womanhood and become the beautiful woman you are created to be!

Living with Addiction and Abuse (Emotional, Mental, Verbal and Spiritual)  Are you in a relationship containing a cycle of addiction or abuse?  Do you feel like there is no way out of this no-win situation?  Do you find yourself settling for pain and heartbreak with no hope?  Let Penny encourage you to find hope again and begin your recovery from the devastating effects of addiction and/or abuse.  Learn to end the cycle of chaos in your own life—or come and learn how to help a friend in need.

Overcoming CodependencyLearning to Set Limits and Care for Yourself  Do you give so much of yourself that sometimes it feels like there is nothing left? Are you depleted? Used up?  Are you burned out from years of helping everyone else and neglecting your own needs, considering this admirable or spiritual?  Learn from Penny and her own journey of recovery from the pain and exhaustion of codependency.  She invites you to join her continued study of self care, living a balanced life, setting healthy boundaries, and effectively loving people without losing yourself.

Freedom from LegalismLiving Free and Responsibly  Did you grow up in a legalistic environment?  Are you a perfectionist?  Have you truly experienced God’s grace for everyday living?  Do you live with a constant nagging fear of God’s judgment and disappointment with you if you don’t measure up?  Are you afraid to step out in faith, fearful that you may make a mistake, experience God’s wrath or other’s judgment?  Let Penny walk you through life lessons she has learned both from her own and other’s experiences into a new, beautiful freedom in God’s love and grace.

Dating with Dignity after Divorce  Are you newly divorced? Do you want to start dating or have you been dating and are tired and fed up with the dating scene?  Are you tempted to just settle for mediocre relationships in dating just to get basic needs met?  Do you dive into relationships too quickly?  Embrace your own beliefs and values as you listen to Penny share insights learned from her own experiences and the many experiences of others in the dating scene after divorce.  She can guide you to develop your own plan of action for dating to protect both your heart and the heart of others, including your kids.

The Art of Falling ForwardPressing Into God When Life is Hard  Does life keep knocking you down?  Are you tired of feeling like a victim?  Do you want to change, but don’t know how?  Learn with Penny as she shares the art of falling forward instead of backwards in defeat.  Hear experiences of her journey and dynamic people who chose to focus on God, move forward while taking the risk of failure, learning from failures, and persevering with success to a better and brighter life.

Raising Incredible Kids…By Yourself?  Are you a single parent?  It can be totally exhausting and overwhelming.  Do you find yourself wanting to escape from the responsibility because it is so difficult?  Hear encouraging words from Penny.  Let her guide you through shared insights of how to get the support and hope you need to raise your incredible kids.

Battling Loneliness in Marriage and after Divorce  Are you currently married and feeling lonely or isolated?  Are you divorced or single and feel like you are the only one sitting at home on a Saturday night?  Can you be in a room full of people and feel like your heart is breaking from loneliness? Hear Penny’s story as she shares parts of her journey in dealing with this issue and find hope.

HolismBalancing Your Health and Wellness  Have the years of living taken it’s toll on your health?  Are you currently embracing ALL of you, including your physical, emotional and spiritual health?  God created us as whole beings and when one area is off balance, it will affect every area of our lives.  Let Penny share both educational and experiential information she has collected and learned from her nursing career and personal life journey.

Managing the Disease Processfor You or a Loved One  Do you have hypertension, diabetes, obesity, cardiac disease…?  Are you a caregiver of someone with these diseases including dementia—or are you responsible for elderly parents?  These very complex situations effect an entire family system. Penny informs and guides you toward developing your own action plan to create a better managed process.




Penny has a unique gift in communicating.  Her thorough preparation combined with her transparent style of communication makes for an engaging involvement with her audience.  She confidently combines life experience and practical guidance.  I have witnessed her effective teaching first hand, and we have team taught a number of times with excellent results.  

– Keith Walker, Men’s & Singles Ministries Director, LCBC Church – Manheim Campus

For years I’ve watched Penny blossom into a woman of beauty, strength, discernment, and compassion. An outstanding communicator gifted with passion and sensitivity, Penny speaks vulnerably from her heart and truthfully from the Word of God. She tackles tough issues that no one else is speaking about today with quite the same personal understanding. Penny possesses an extraordinary love for her Savior. You’ll love her, too!

– Nancy Sebastian Meyer, Author of Talk Easy, Listen Hard

About Penny

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